Repeat prescriptions
You can request a repeat prescription online.
To use the online service for repeat prescriptions please ask one of our receptionists for an individual access and ID code.
All new patients registering with the surgery will automatically receive a logon and password.
Using the askmyGP service
You can use the askmyGP service to ask for help for you, your children or other people you care for (if they are registered with us). You will need to supply a few details, so we know how best to help you.
Introducing Evergreen Life
We introduced Evergreen Life at our surgery, which is an easy and fast way to ask for any kind of help from the practice.
Use your smartphone to scan the QR code or search for Evergreen Life PHR in your app store.
With Evergreen Life you can
- Request an appointment
- Order a repeat prescription
- Bring all your health information and GP records together
- Use the Evergreen Life app
- Use the Evergreen Life website (Login or Signup)
Helping you and helping the surgery team
Evergreen Life saves you time and makes it easier for us to help you.
You can contact the practice at any time and we can prioritise care for patients who need it most.
The doctors and nurses can manage their time more effectively, booking any follow-up appointments you might need.
You can choose to be contacted by the surgery by telephone, a video call or by text or email.
If we need to see you we will usually give you a face to face or video appointment on the same day.
Download the Evergreen Life PHR app now
Use your smartphone to scan the QR code or search for Evergreen Life PHR in your app store.
You can use Evergreen Life to start building your Personal Health Record to understand how to be as well as you can be and get support if you are ever ill.
The easiest way to connect your records is with an NHS Login – if you have one already you can use it to register, or create one as part of the process.
If you cannot use an NHS Login, please bring photographic identification to our receptionists who will issue you with an account ID and link to sign up.
Need a little help (with the Evergreen Life App)?
To help you get started with the Evergreen app and creating your account there are a series of help articles available. Linking your account to your GP record will enable the full functionality of the app including records access and repeat prescriptions as well as enabling you to make requests for help online.
You can link using an NHS ID which is the easiest method for both you and the practice team, or by using linkage codes supplied by the practice.
We’ve also created a walk-through video to show the steps of using the app for the first time.
The Evergreen team can help you with technical issues, or reset linkage codes if you used these in the past with other services. Please note the Evergreen team cannot assist you with medical queries, nor can they verify identify documents if you have not been registered with us for online services before.